From the LA Metropolitan Lounge: Another Liminal Space
—Graffiti on a Metro underpass, “where attention goes, energy flows.”
—On the back of a T-shirt, “Don’t trip over what’s behind you.”
—On the Santa Monica Pier, a couple pauses in front of us to take a picture, “Sorry to get in the way—it’s his first time to see the ocean. We came all the way from Oklahoma for him to see this.” His smile is ear-to-ear.

—Me, thinking to myself on the beach as we neared the water, “Ha! that guy walking around in the waves in his tennis shoes and socks is so dumb.” Me, in my shoes and socks, a minute later, “Crap. I misjudged the size and speed of that wave.”
—Most expensive fuel prices seen: >$6 per gallon.
—A tour guide outside the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, “The magnificent cathedral you see before you was made with 151 million pounds of stone…” (…as if this is what makes a church.)