A brief liturgy to share when a sibling in faith is drawing close to death.

Words of Preparation
Sensing that his days were numbered, Jesus gathered around his friends and family—all those who had journeyed with him along the way. They told stories, shared memories, sang songs, marveled at the miracle of honeybees…*
Knowing that these beloveds would need courage for the days ahead, Jesus invited them to join him at a table.
Words of Institution
And taking some bread into his hands, Jesus gave thanks for it.
Then he said, “This is my body, breaking for you. Take it, and eat, and be made whole.” [Share the bread and eat together.]
In the same way, he took a cup of wine into his hands. And he gave thanks for it.
Then he said, “This is the love that flows through my veins. Take it, and drink, and know that you are loved.” [Share the juice/wine and drink together.]
Words of Thanksgiving
The gifts of God for God’s beloved. Thanks be to God.
Sharing the Peace of Christ
May the peace, courage, and love of the Cosmic Christ be with you, now and always. And also with you.
*Include other bespoke wording to reflect what has been important, particularly in these last days, to the person and those who surround them.