A Prayer for Peace and Nonviolence

Author of Life, Painbearer, and Peacemaker,
we long for you.
As the sunlight diminishes each day, 
the shadows seem to overtake our world.
Chaos, confusion, and uncertainty threaten to spill
into every vacant space in our minds and hearts.

We long for your presence.
All: Loving God, be our peace.

As we move through this election season,
   we pray for inner peace.
We pray for an awareness of our belovedness,
   of the Spirit’s empowering presence.
Center us in our true, whole selves.
Give us clarity of mind and a discerning heart.

We pray for inner peace.
All: Loving God, be our peace.

We pray, too, for the peace we share with the world.
In the midst of harsh and hateful language,
   may we speak words of healing.
In the midst of hypocrisy and hyperbole,
   may we act with integrity.
In all the ways we live and move this week,
   may we be bearers of justice, mercy, and nonviolence,
   modeled on the way of Jesus.

We pray for our peace witness in the world.
All: Loving God, be our peace.

We pray for the peace of the world.
We pray for those in power,
   that they will use their power for unity and not for division.
We pray for each election site in our communities and nation,
   that intimidation and fear-mongering will be absent,
   and safety, wisdom, and a commitment to just process will flourish.   

We pray for our communities, that neighbors will reach out to 
neighbors in recognition of our common humanity.

We pray for the peace of the world.
All: Loving God, be our peace.

We long for your presence and peace, O God,
   in all people and all places,
   this day and everyday.

All: We ask this in the name of the Creator, Incarnate Wisdom, and Inner Breath. Amen.

2 thoughts on “A Prayer for Peace and Nonviolence”

  1. I’ll be revisiting this throughout the day today. Thank you for this prayer and thank you for your continued thoughtful engagement. Prayer for your safety and peace to you today. I hope it is a surprisingly lovely and fun experience.

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