This week, the scripture-inspired element for our Peace Lamp prayer is air.
“The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8
Spirit, who hovered over the face of the deep,
We pray this day for the invisible mixture of compounds we call air.
We praise you for air’s generative movement,
bringing life from the four directions,
carrying pollen and seeds,
giving reason for new growth.
We praise you for the way wind enlivens our world,
the ambling tumbleweeds,
the gentle breezes of the lakeside,
the way our kites take flight on spring afternoons.
We praise you for the oxygen that fills our lungs,
to sing our songs,
to offer our praise,
and to simply be.
We pray this day for the shalom of the air,
that it, too, will benefit from your healing and liberating love.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Peacemaker, Amen.