Looking ahead to the Fourth Sunday after Easter, we encounter the image of Shepherd in three of four of the readings. The Psalm lends itself to communal prayer.
A Prayer for Reflection and Praise – Psalm 23:1-6
One: The Eternal One is our shepherd; we need nothing more.
Many: God makes us lie down in green pastures,
and leads us by gentle streams.
God invites us to rest. (silence)
Even when we walk through rugged terrain,
we are fearless, for you, O Holy One, are with us,
to guide and protect us. (silence)
Wisdom’s table is set before us and those we once called enemies;
You anoint our heads with oil;
You bless us with abundance. (silence)
Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives;
And we shall live in the house of the Eternal One forever.
All: Thanks be to God! Amen.