Epiphany – Call to Worship

One of the beauties of Christmas is that with all the decorations, at least I find that I look up, look out a bit more. We can be drawn into lights that flicker or beam brightly from lawns, houses. The light reminds us of the light that shone brightly over a little town in the Middle East, light that drew in curious wanderers and wonderers.

Epiphany marks yet another moment in the liturgical year where we are invited to simply meditate or reflect on the “rich variety” of ways that the Good News of a Loving God is born anew in the world each day, in us and around us. We, like the Wise Ones, are invited to open our eyes, to take the next step into new life and healing light.

Here is a call to worship, based on texts from Year C.

One: Wise Ones, arise, shine: for your light has come!
Many: We bring praise to the Light of the World.

Wise Ones, come: With fragrance and food, with songs and smiles,
We come bearing gifts for the Christ child.

Wise Ones, look: The child on Mary’s hip is Good News for us all.
We revel and delight in this divine mystery.

Wise Ones, rejoice: The glory of God is in this place.
We celebrate the dawning of Epiphany!

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